Photo by Jim deLucia
Mission Statement
Whatcom Genealogical Society is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to promoting genealogical and family history research and to preserving local historical records needed for the search.
Regular meetings are held throughout the year on the second Monday of the month in the Pioneer Pavilion at Pioneer Park, 2007 Cherry Street in Ferndale, Washington. Visitors are always welcome.
All Society funds are used to publish local material, purchase materials for reference use by the public in the genealogical collection at the Bellingham Public Library, and provide educational programs.
Since the Society's founding in 1969, members have diligently collected and published genealogical materials from public records, regional and state archives, cemeteries and privately held papers.
Whatcom Genealogical Society was incorporated in the state of Washington on 14 May 1980. Go to Washington State Regulations for Non Profit Corporations for further information.
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